

Hang in there

‘Everything in moderation' may sound boring, but it's sensible advice that could keep you on track and prevent your studies from suffering

Quitting may be great when it comes to cigarettes or other unhealthy lifestyle habits. But quitting your TAFE studies is another matter – definitely something that won't be good for you. Especially after just two months.

You may be wondering why anyone would quit their studies after such a short period of time. But our stats show that a large amount of TAFE "drop outs" occur around this time of year.

After making the decision to enrol with TAFE, paying your fees, starting your studies, making new friends and investing two months of your life into your new TAFE venture, throwing it all away would be a terrible waste.

Don't be another statistic. Here are the top five reasons why people quit their TAFE studies after two months. Knowing the common pitfalls is the best way to avoid them.

The course isn't what you expected

The best way to avoid this is to research the course thoroughly in advance before enrolling in the first place. But if you're two months in and find your expectations aren't matching the reality, there are still several options available that are better than dropping out altogether. Speaking to your teacher is a good starting point. Perhaps the stuff you were expecting the course to cover will be covered later in the year. Or maybe the course will take you in a better, (although different) direction altogether. And if all else fails, it's often possible to switch courses and make up the lost time gradually throughout the rest of the semester.

Financial difficulties

This can be a tough one, especially if you're living away from home and are now responsible for things like rent and bills that Mum and Dad always used to look after. Due to the flexible delivery model of many TAFE NSW courses, many students make ends meet by working part-time and juggling that with their studies. And there are many practical ways of saving money on a day-to-day basis such as using public transport during off-peak times (if your schedule allows), cooking at home instead of ordering take away and tapping into the many free study resources that the internet offers.


Whether you've come from another town or city, from interstate or from overseas, missing your family and friends can sometimes feel debilitating. But there are ways to reduce this. It's very easy these days to stay in touch using technologies like social media, Skype and FaceTime. And it's worth remembering that homesickness is often a temporary ailment. As you make new friends and social groups and life in your new location gathers momentum, you may find the homesickness gradually just fades away.

Too much partying

This is a common one, and in some ways it's the opposite of the homesickness issue. Now that you're in a new environment with like-minded people and a whole array of new partying options available, sometimes 24/7, the urge to kick your heels up and party every other night can be strong indeed. Especially if everyone else is doing it as well. Some partying is necessary for happiness, relaxation and mental health, but listen to your internal Nanna (we all have one) and don't go overboard. ‘Everything in moderation' may sound boring, but it's sensible advice that could keep you on track and prevent your studies from suffering.

A failed romance

We all know how this story goes. You met someone special during Orientation Week, you both clicked, and you spent the rest of summer giving each other doe-eyed looks across the table in the canteen and walking around Campus holding hands. But something happened and it all went pear-shaped. Now you find yourself nursing a broken heart and facing the daily possibility of running into your ex at any time on Campus or in social activities with mutual friends. This can be an awkward situation, but it's still better to continue with your studies than dropping out. In fact, use it as a reason to really throw yourself into your studies more than ever before. And remember, as with all broken hearts – ‘this too shall pass'.