

How to be a web developer

Web development involves a certain amount of design, making it an area where science and art can often intersect

So, you're thinking of being a web developer…

Web development covers an extremely broad area from the creation of simple, static websites to complex web-based applications, with API and eCommerce integrations (and everything in-between).

What do you have to do to become a web developer?

It might be worthwhile ensuring you have at least a few of the personal skills and qualities that make a great web developer.

Heading this list is a strong interest in the web and the various digital technologies on which it runs. This would include an understanding of hypertext markup language (HTML) and cascading style sheets (CSS), which are the web's basic building blocks.

If you are interested a career in Web Development, consider learning the basics with TAFE NSW's Statement of Attainment in Basic Web Development Specialist Skill Set.

Other desirable qualities include an eye for detail, patience and tenacity and an inquisitive mind. It will also be helpful to have an eye for what looks good on a screen. Web development involves a certain amount of design, making it an area where science and art can often intersect.

Required Qualifications

TAFE NSW's Diploma of Website Development is an ideal course for anyone considering this career path. The course has no entry requirements and successful completion of this course would qualify you as web developer, application developer, web administrator, programmer, webmaster or website manager.

You will learn how to develop dynamic, multi-paged websites (including e-commerce solutions), learn about server structure, information architecture, learn how to build a responsive website, SEO best practices and much more. You may learn various programming languages like, HTML, CSS, PHP, .NET etc, and use modern web services like API's, GitHub, and Content Management Systems (CMS).

The Diploma in Website Development is also available through TAFE NSW Online flexible delivery.

Careers in Web Development

The demand for web development services has seen enormous growth in the last 20 years, and has been a crucial part of the information technology revolution.

According to Job Outlook, Web Developers earn an average of $1,856 per week (before tax).

As long as the internet continues to dominate our lives, there'll always be a demand for someone who can create websites. It's a fairly safe bet that the internet and web aren't going anywhere any time soon. And as individuals, companies, businesses and governments continue to rely on their websites, someone with the skills and qualifications to build, repair and maintain websites will always be in demand.

If you are looking for a back-end programming career - consider a career in Information Technology.