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Scholarship gold for two local TAFE NSW students

TAFE NSW Hamilton

Scholarship gold for two local TAFE NSW students

25 February 2019

Two local TAFE NSW students were recognised for their learning excellence and potential at yesterday’s Trevor Drayton Scholarship Foundation awards presentation held at Carrington Place Restaurant & Bar.

TAFE NSW Hamilton students Hayley Waterhouse and Giang Tram were awarded $2500 each towards achieving their career dreams. Two weeks ago Hayley became a fully-qualified pastry chef thanks to her studies and Euro Patisserie apprenticeship, while Giang is now studying a Diploma in Hospitality Management.

The scholarships are awarded annually in conjunction with the Hunter TAFE Foundation, a not-for-profit charitable organisation working with Hunter region businesses, education providers and community leaders committed to helping students achieve their goals.

Hunter TAFE Foundation president Gary Webb said, “The Foundation is proud to work with the Trevor Drayton Scholarship Fund committee in assisting it to manage donation efforts that support the ambitions of Hunter region residents working and studying in the food, wine and hospitality industries.”

“Anyone who has been a student understands the difference a significant amount of money can make towards career progression, and the Trevor Drayton Scholarship delivers that. Hayley and Giang are now a number of steps ahead in achieving their goals in their chosen occupations.

“That two students from TAFE NSW Hamilton – a site that features a student-operated cafeteria and restaurant – were recognised in this way, speaks volumes of the talent produced locally through TAFE NSW.”

Trevor Drayton Scholarship Fund spokesperson Peter Drayton said, “What began as a group of friends wishing to create an award to honour the memory of my brother, a talented winemaker, is now an important initiative in fostering local talent in the wine, food and hospitality industries. With our scholarships we give local people a boost to achieving their career goals and we support them through our many industry connections.”

“We were impressed with the comprehensive scholarship submissions provided by Hayley and Giang, who show great commitment and consistency in applying themselves to the food and hospitality industries. We wish them all the very best with their continued journey and hope to see them achieve well into the future.”

Scholarship winner Hayley Waterhouse said, “It is an honour to be chosen to receive this scholarship. This money will help me to further my skills so I can pass them on at a later time to others in the industry. I have a week’s work experience with the San Francisco Baking Institute this year and this scholarship will enable me to extend my time in the US and undertake work experience elsewhere.”

Scholarship winner Giang Tram said, “I am very happy. I want to say thanks to the Foundation for taking the time to read my application; completing it really pushed me. I also want to thank my TAFE NSW teachers, who have always been there for me. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am now. They have helped give me courage and taught me a lot of things. I feel more confident in my skills yet know I still have a lot to learn.”

For more detail on TAFE NSW courses, face-to-face or online, visit or call 131 601

Media contact: Kristy Sheppard, TAFE NSW Media & Communications Business Partner, 4923 7784 or 0407 450 860.