How to access TAFE NSW information

    To access TAFE NSW information, you can:

    • browse open access materials on our website

    • request proactive release of information

    • request informal release of information, or

    • submit a formal Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) application.

    For legal orders such as subpoenas, contact TAFE NSW's Legal Services department.

    If you're looking for your own student record or transcript, please complete the online enquiry form on the TAFE NSW website or call 131 601.

    1. Open access information

    The GIPA Act requires agencies like TAFE NSW to make certain types of information available to the public, free of charge, through open access.

    This includes:

    Information can be withheld if there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.

    This may be for one or more of the following reasons:

    • Disclosing it would compromise TAFE NSW’s safety and security.

    • There is a risk of breaching copyright.

    • It is held as commercial-in-confidence.

    • There are other legal reasons.

    Learn more about accessing information and the conditions under which it may be withheld under the GIPA Act.

    2. Proactive release

    As well as the 'open access information' that TAFE NSW is legally required to make available, there is a large volume of other information that is actively released.

    Public access to government records which contain sensitive information can be shared by first deleting the sensitive matter from the copy to be shared. We do this when the inclusion of specific information (a matter) would otherwise result in there being an overriding public interest against disclosure of the record.

    Other ways you can acquire NSW government information:

    3. Informal release

    If the information you're seeking isn't published by TAFE NSW and doesn't raise public interest or confidentiality concerns, you can request it from us without submitting a formal application. Simply send us an email with the information you request.

    TAFE NSW reserves the right to ask you to submit a formal application under certain circumstances.

    This applies when:

    • there are important public interest factors to consider

    • your request involves a large volume of information, or

    • it would take us a significant time to process.

    4. Public access to government information

    If the information you need isn't available on the TAFE NSW website or by request, you can formally apply for it through the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

    Follow these steps:

    1. Download and complete the TAFE NSW Government Information Access Form.

    2. Pay the $30 application fee.

    3. Email the completed form to the Right to Information Officer at

    You can also send the form in writing to:

    Right to Information Officer
    Information Access
    PO Box 707
    Broadway, NSW 2007

    A valid GIPA request must meet the following five requirements:

    1. It must be in writing and sent to us at the postal or email address provided above.

    2. It must clearly state that you are requesting information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

    3. It must include the $30 application fee.

    4. It must provide a return postal or email address for correspondence.

    5. It must include sufficient information to enable us to identify the information you are asking for.

    Please note that if your application doesn’t include these five requirements, it will be deemed invalid. If this is the case, we will advise you within five working days and will assist you with completion of a valid application.

    Note: The access application fee is $30, and we may also charge $30per hour for processing. In certain cases, we may require an advance deposit before proceeding.

    5. Subpoenas, summons and other formal orders

    Please address all subpoenas, summons and other formal orders to:

    Legal Services
    PO Box 707
    Broadway NSW 2007

    or email:

    If you receive a subpoena, summons or order to produce documents from TAFE NSW, you must pay a fee called 'conduct money.' This fee is due when you receive the legal order.

    You can pay this fee in two ways:

    • Cheque or money order made out to the Technical and Further Education Commission.

    • Electronic transfer (email to request payment details).

    If the cost for TAFE NSW to comply with your subpoena, summons or order exceeds the set conduct money fee, we may charge you an additional amount. We will inform you of any additional costs before providing any documents.

    Note: Please allow at least 14 days before the production date for TAFE NSW to search for relevant documents. If the documents are archived or not available electronically, it may take longer to complete the search.

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    Page updates

    Date of this review: 15 March 2024
    Date of next review: 15 March 2025