Work with people with mental health issuesCHCMHS001
Support children to connect with the natural environmentCHCECE037
Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safetyCHCDIV002
Work in an alcohol and other drugs contextCHCAOD001
Provide first point of contactCHCCOM001
Communicate and work in health or community servicesCHCCOM005
Use communication to build relationshipsCHCCOM002
Apply basic levelling proceduresCPCCCM2006
Prepare existing coated surface for paintingCPCCPD3021
Handle and store painting and decorating materialsCPCCPD2011
Carry out general demolition of minor building structuresCPCCCA3001
Carry out measurements and calculationsCPCCOM1015
Conduct workplace communicationCPCCOM1014
Develop sculptural skillsCUASCU211
Source and use information relevant to own arts practiceCUARES202
Use ideas and techniques to develop creative workCUAPPR101
Develop drawing skillsCUADRA201
Use basic drawing techniquesCUAACD101
Make simple creative workCUAPPR211
Use oral communication skills to facilitate complex workplace team interactionsFSKOCM011
Use oral communication skills to participate in workplace negotiationsFSKOCM012
Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for workFSKNUM014
Interpret, draw and construct routine 2D and 3D shapes for workFSKNUM016
Use familiar and simple metric measurements for workFSKNUM009
Use routine formulas and algebraic expressions for workFSKNUM028
Collect, organise and analyse complex statistical data for workFSKNUM033
Apply specialised mathematical calculations for workFSKNUM031
Use introductory matrices for workFSKNUM037
Read, interpret and use detailed plans, drawings and diagrams for workFSKNUM026
Use introductory calculus for workFSKNUM039
Develop a plan to organise routine workplace tasksFSKLRG018
Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problemsFSKLRG009
Write simple workplace informationFSKWTG006
Write routine workplace textsFSKWTG009
Read and respond to simple informal workplace textsFSKRDG006
Read and respond to information in routine visual and graphic textsFSKRDG008
Read and respond to simple workplace informationFSKRDG007
Read and respond to complex workplace informationFSKRDG011
Read and respond to routine workplace informationFSKRDG010
Read and respond to highly complex workplace informationFSKRDG012
Write complex workplace textsFSKWTG010
Use oral communication skills to participate in workplace meetingsFSKOCM004
Use oral communication skills for effective workplace presentationsFSKOCM005
Interact effectively with others at workFSKOCM007
Use oral communication skills to participate in workplace teamsFSKOCM006
Use oral communication skills to facilitate workplace meetingsFSKOCM009
Use oral communication skills to facilitate workplace negotiationsFSKOCM008
Use oral communication skills for complex workplace presentationsFSKOCM010
Write highly complex workplace textsFSKWTG011
Read and respond to routine standard operating proceduresFSKRDG009
Use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for workFSKNUM008
Use familiar and routine maps and plans for workFSKNUM017
Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for workFSKNUM015
Use introductory graphical techniques for workFSKNUM029
Collect, organise and interpret statistical data for workFSKNUM027
Use common functions of a scientific calculator for workFSKNUM030
Use and calculate with complex measurements for workFSKNUM032
Use and apply concepts of probability for workFSKNUM034
Use algebraic and graphical techniques to analyse mathematical problems for workFSKNUM035
Use introductory vectorsFSKNUM038
Use chance and probability calculations for workFSKNUM041
Use trigonometry for workFSKNUM036
Use detailed maps to plan travel routes for workFSKNUM025
Estimate, measure and calculate measurements for workFSKNUM023
Use geometry to draw 2D shapes and construct 3D shapes for workFSKNUM024
Apply an expanding range of arithmetical calculations for workFSKNUM021
Use ratios, rates and proportions for complex workplace tasksFSKNUM022
Use familiar, routine functions of a calculator for workFSKNUM020
Collect data and construct routine tables and graphs for workFSKNUM018
Use routine strategies for career planningFSKLRG010
Apply strategies to plan and manage complex workplace tasksFSKLRG012
Apply strategies to respond to complex workplace problemsFSKLRG013
Manage strategies for career progressionFSKLRG014
Manage own work-related learningFSKLRG015
Use strategies to identify job opportunitiesFSKLRG007
Complete routine workplace formatted textsFSKWTG008
Use digital technology for non-routine workplace tasksFSKDIG003
Use digital technology for routine and simple workplace tasksFSKDIG002
Prepare to participate in a learning environmentFSKLRG001
Interpret routine tables, graphs and charts and use information and data for workFSKNUM019
Participate in work placementFSKLRG006
Assemble electronic componentsUEEAS0001
Select electronic components for assemblyUEEAS0004
Interact with computing technologyMEM16008
Use hand toolsMEM18001
Use oxy-acetylene and soldering equipmentMEMPE003
Use electric welding machinesMEMPE002
Perform routine manual metal arc weldingMEM05012
Perform routine gas metal arc weldingMEM05050
Perform manual heating and thermal cuttingMEM05007
Participate in workplace communicationsACMGAS202
Remove and tag engine system componentsAURTTE003
Clean vehicle body and door openingsAURVTN008
Inspect and service outdoor power equipment enginesAURPTE102
Remove and tag steering, suspension and braking system componentsAURTTA001
Apply for jobs and undertake job interviewsAUMAFA001
Identify features of the health care systemVU22381
Access the internet for language learningVU22376
Develop verbal communication skillsVU22374
Explore local Aboriginal Language and Cultural IdentityNAT11258001
Participate in a local community projectNAT10973006
Work safely in a science learning environment NAT11041005
Develop strategies for workplace health and wellbeingNAT11039025
Spell personally relevant wordsNAT11005018
Explore safety and wellbeing optionsNAT11009002
Plan to improve self-esteemNAT11039003
Examine information presented in the mediaNAT11039009
Prepare to participate in adult learningNAT11039014
Prepare to participate in the workplaceNAT11039020
Write routine pre-employment textsNAT11039023
Use and apply ratios, rates and proportions in personal, educational or vocational contextsNAT11041010
Conduct basic experiments into scientific aspects of workplace healthNAT11041008
Engage in a community activityNAT10973004
Read routine pre-employment textsNAT11039019
Develop basic strategies to deal with conflict in everyday contextsNAT11009008
Write simple personal and community textsNAT11009028
Plan to set up a personal area for studyNAT11005008
Use numeracy to complete familiar tasksNAT11039016
Plan to reduce household energy useNAT11009013
Examine community issuesNAT10973007
Plan for active citizenshipNAT10973008
Use basic critical thinking skillsNAT11009007
Read simple personal and community textsNAT11009025
Plan to read for pleasureNAT11005011
Develop conflict resolution skills as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander PersonNAT11036002
Prepare to mentor in a community settingNAT10973003
Conduct basic experiments into matter and electricityNAT11041006
Respond to racist behaviour towards Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander PeoplesNAT11036003
Address workplace hazards and incidentsNAT11039006
Examine ethical issues in the workplaceNAT11039013
Plan healthy lifestyle practicesNAT11005003
Participate in sustainable work practicesBSBSUS211
Operate digital devicesBSBTEC101
Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environmentBSBTEC202
Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriatelyBSBMED301
Clean premises and equipmentSITHACS009
Participate in safe work practicesSITXWHS005
Prepare appetisers and saladsSITHCCC028
Prepare and present sandwichesSITHCCC025
Prepare and present simple dishesSITHCCC024
Use food preparation equipmentSITHCCC023
Organise personal work requirementsSIRXIND003
Work effectively in a service environmentSIRXIND001
Advise on products and servicesSIRXPDK001
Identify and respond to security risksSIRXRSK001
Sell to the retail customerSIRXSLS001
Follow point-of-sale proceduresSIRXSLS002
Provide responsible service of alcoholSITHFAB021
Prepare and serve espresso coffeeSITHFAB025
Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beveragesSITHFAB024
Use hygienic practices for food safetySITXFSA005
Participate in safe food handling practicesSITXFSA006
Serve food and beverageSITHFAB027
Contribute to workplace health and safetySIRXWHS002
Work effectively in a teamSIRXCOM002
Communicate in the workplace to support team and customer outcomesSIRXCOM001
Receive and handle retail stockSIRRINV001
Control stockSIRRINV002
Produce visual merchandise displaysSIRRMER001
Engage the customerSIRXCEG001
Provide shampoo and basin servicesSHBHBAS001
Dry hair to shapeSHBHDES001
Braid hairSHBHDES002
Design and apply make-upSHBBMUP009
Provide manicure and pedicare servicesSHBBNLS007
Greet and prepare clients for salon servicesSHBXCCS009
Conduct salon financial transactionsSHBXCCS007
Read and write basic procedural textsSWERWT004
Read and write basic everyday textsSWERWT003
Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operationsRIIMPO318F
Conduct civil construction excavator operationsRIIMPO320F
Capture digital imagesICPDMT3210
Maintain work health and safetyHLTWHS003
Participate in workplace health and safetyHLTWHS001
Follow basic food safety practicesHLTFSE001
Follow safe work practices for direct client careHLTWHS002
Provide First Aid in an education and care settingHLTAID012
Recognise healthy body systemsHLTAAP001
Care for health and welfare of livestockAHCLSK202
Assist in the preparation of turf surfaces for playAHCTRF205
Operate basic machinery and equipmentAHCMOM203
Operate two wheel motorbikesAHCMOM201
Assist with routine maintenance of machinery and equipmentAHCMOM101
Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWHS202
Perform board dutiesAHCWOL202
Undertake propagation activitiesAHCNSY207
Apply chemicals under supervisionAHCCHM201
Develop musical ideas and knowledgeCUAMLT211
Work legally and ethicallyCHCLEG001
Work with diverse peopleCHCDIV001
Work safelyMSMWHS200
Work in a teamMSMSUP106
Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industryCPCCWHS2001
Use and maintain tools and equipment in an automotive workplaceAURTTK102
Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry componentsUEECD0019
Use business software applicationsBSBTEC201
Contribute to the health and safety of self and othersBSBWHS211
Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplaceAURASA102
Use tools, resources and equipment for vocational learningNAT10973002
Use emerging technologyNAT10973009
Use free or inexpensive technologyNAT10973010
Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplaceAURAEA002
Access and evaluate information on the internetNAT10973011
Word process a basic documentNAT11009010
Access a basic computer programNAT11005007
Organise and communicate informationMEM16006
Perform engineering measurementsMEM12023
Inspect and service cooling systemsAURTTC001
Prepare to work safely in the construction industryCPCWHS1001
Provide First AidHLTAID011