Trade and Logistics

    0 courses

    International Trade courses

    Studying our international trade courses provides you with key insights on global trade agreements and potential opportunities across international...

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    • No courses currently available.

    International trade course information

    There are so many ways to study at TAFE NSW. You can choose an option that suits your learning style and lifestyle.

    • Face-to-face courses at TAFE NSW are immersive and interactiv...
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    Who is an international trade course good for?

    The skills you need to thrive in the new global business landscape aren’t the same as those you needed years ago. Though strong business know how is essential, soft skills can make the difference between sur...

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    International trade career paths

    Investing your time and energy into an international trade course provides you with several great career options to choose from.

    • Export or import customer service coordinators r...
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    Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

    How do I enrol?

    At TAFE NSW you can apply or enrol to do a course.

    If your course has no entry requirements, you can enrol directly. If there are entry requirements, you will need to apply to be accepted for a position in the course.

    1. Go to the TAFE NSW website to view the course you are interested in
    2. Check if there are any entry requirements, as you may be asked to supply additional information
    3. Select a course location to progress your enrolment
    4. Follow the prompts to complete
    5. You will receive an email confirming your enrolment or application status

    If you need further assistance with your enrolment, contact TAFE NSW Student Services on 131 601 between 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday.

    How do I know if I’m eligible to apply for a course?

    I am an international student. Can I enrol?

    Why should I study international trade?

    Why choose TAFE NSW