Our enrolment and student portal is undergoing an important upgrade and will be unavailable from 2:00pm on Sunday 15 December to 6:00pm on Sunday 15 December.

    AMEP Distance Learning

    All eligible migrants and refugees in Australia can partake in the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) through Distance Learning, empowering them with essential English and settlement skills. AMEP Distance Learning offers personalised English programs, one-on-one and small group sessions, and online access nationwide, for flexible learning. If you would like to know more or have questions about AMEP Distance Learning please contact us on 1300 362 418.

    What the program offers

    Teacher support

    Study with an English teacher one-on-one or in a small group at your convenience.

    Virtual learning

    You can access online materials from anywhere in Australia, and join virtual classrooms to interact and build connections with other students.

    Additional resources

    If you have limited access to technology, paper-based resources can be posted to you.

    Other programs

    Group of multicultural students sitting on steps and posing for a picture

    Adult Migrant English Program

    Free English classes with childcare for eligible migrants and refugees, funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.

    Female tutor and student searching for a book in a library

    AMEP Volunteer Tutor Program

    Informal language tuition for migrants and refugees, available online or face-to-face.

    Older male student posing for a picture

    Pathways to Employment Program

    A 200-hour program enhancing English skills, job preparation, CV writing, and interview assistance.

    Frequently asked questions

    In partnership with