Woolfson Encouragement Award
The Woolfson Encouragement Award was established to recognise a mature age student studying a Business Administration qualification at TAFE NSW Maitland.
The Award is valued at $500.
Closing date: 5pm Friday, 1 September 2023
To be eligible for this award the nominee:
- must be enrolled as either a part time or full time student in BSB20120 - Certificate II in Workplace Skills, BSB30120 Certificate III in Business Administration, BSB30120 Certificate III in Business Medical Administration, BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business Administration at TAFE NSW Maitland, in the year that the award is offered.
- must be a mature age student. For the purpose of this award, a mature age student has been defined as a student over the age of 30 years in the year that the award is offered.
- must have an excellent attendance record.
- must have demonstrated commitment to study and to transitioning into the workforce.
- would benefit from the financial assistance and encouragement provided by the award.
To be eligible for this award you must:
- be enrolled in an eligible qualification at TAFE NSW Maitland
- be a mature age student (i.e. over 30 years of age in the year that the award is offered)
- be committed to your studies and have an excellent attendance record
- be motivated to enter or re-enter the workforce
- not be in receipt of any other Hunter TAFE Foundation scholarship or award
Download and complete the nomination form. Ensure you sign the declaration and attach all relevant supporting documents.
Woolfson Encouragement Award
Nomination Form (PDF, 348KB)
Scan and email the nomination form with supporting documents to: hunter.foundation@tafensw.edu.au by 5pm Friday, 1 September 2023.