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Female plumbing apprentice putting her skills into action on major infrastructure project

Female plumbing apprentice putting her skills into action on major infrastructure project

A female plumbing apprentice is helping bring Sydney’s transport future to life, gaining valuable work on a multi-billion-dollar infrastructure project.

The plumbing industry in Australia is growing, with 8,000 new plumbers needed by 2026. Currently only 1% of plumbers are women.

Stacey Phillips is in her third year of Certificate III in Plumbing at TAFE NSW Meadowbank. The bulk of her apprenticeship has involved working on the plumbing at new Sydney Metro stations.

“It has been really satisfying working on a major infrastructure project like Sydney Metro, and I feel proud to be contributing to an asset that will support the city for years to come,” Ms Phillips said.

“TAFE NSW armed me with the practical skills and experience I needed to make a strong start in my new career as a plumber.”

Ms Phillips has been implementing the practical skills she has learned at TAFE NSW by helping install compressed air lines at the Chatswood, North Sydney, Marrickville, Central, Martin Place, Pitt St, and Waterloo metro stations.

“Working on the Sydney Metro project has been a valuable experience because it enabled me to use the skills I’ve learned at TAFE NSW on the job,” she said.

“It has also helped develop my passion for plumbing and build industry connections that will help set me up for a strong future.”

Head Teacher of plumbing at TAFE NSW Meadowbank, Luke Mowen, said plumbing is a valuable career for women to consider.

“Only 1% of plumbers in Australia are women, and TAFE NSW is hoping to grow that number in order to deliver a pipeline of workers that can meet industry demand,” Mr Mowen said.

“Stacey’s story is a prime example of how TAFE NSW provides our students with the skills they need to get the job they want.”

Ms Phillips said she hoped to one day open her own plumbing business and advocated for other women to take up the trade.

“I encourage any young women interested in a trade or plumbing to consider doing an apprenticeship,” she said.

“With the support of my employer, studying through TAFE NSW has given me the confidence to pursue my career in plumbing, and I’m looking forward to what’s next in my journey.”  


Media contact: Rob Virtue, Communications Specialist,