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How to become a project manager

Are you interested in becoming a project manager but not exactly sure what it's all about? ​​​​​​​

How to become a project manager

What is a Project Manager?

The simplest way to sum up project management work is that it's all about managing available resources, finances and meeting deadlines. As a "project" is generally defined as being a specific, temporary endeavour that's undertaken to achieve planned objectives, project management work these days can be found across a wide variety of different industries.

What does it take to become Project Manager?

If the idea of being a project manager appeals to you, there's a couple of check boxes you might like to consider first to determine that you have the right personal qualities. The biggies here are strong leadership and communication skills, the ability to plan and execute tasks to a deadline, problem-solving abilities and a strong sense of responsibility - there's no passing the buck when you're a project manager.

It also helps to be persuasive, results-driven, resourceful, a creative thinker and reasonably thick-skinned, especially in high pressured situations.

Often people who set out to work in project management find that the biggest hurdle can be the catch-22 situation of experience. Or rather, a lack of it. If this is the case, emphasise your ideal project manager-esque skills on your resume. It also helps to include voluntary work, team sports and any other organisations you belong to. All of this will indicate to a prospective employer that, although you may have limited (or no) actual project management experience, you have many of the personal attributes that will make you a successful project manager.

Your management career