About - Policies - Work Health Safety

Work Health and Safety Policy - TAFE NSW Policy Under Review

Written Direction No. WDPSB17201
Approved by: Managing Director
Approval Date: 11 December 2018
Effective From: 26 August 2019

1. Introduction

TAFE NSW seeks to ensure the health and safety of everyone in its workplaces. We have a duty of care for students, workers and visitors while they are at TAFE NSW workplaces or participating in authorised activities

2. Purpose

This policy sets out our position on health and safety and what we will do to live up to our commitments and obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017.

3. Scope

This Policy applies to all workers, i.e. employees and anyone else who carries out work for TAFE NSW such as contractors, on-hire workers, volunteers and others such as students and visitors, while at any TAFE NSW workplace or while participating in any authorised activities.

4. Policy

4.1 General

TAFE NSW is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for all workers, students, visitors and members of the public. We value people and will do our best to ensure their health and safety while at TAFE NSW or when participating in authorised activities. Hazards and risks to health and wellbeing will be eliminated, or minimized, as far as reasonably practicable as we strive for Zero Harm.

4.2 Commitments

We will:

  1. Provide active and responsible safety leadership.
  2. Ensure working and learning environments are safe and healthy.
  3. Support and promote health and wellbeing.
  4. Promote respectful conduct and take action to prevent and respond to bullying.
  5. Consult with employees, their representatives and others on how to better manage risk.
  6. Provide information, training and instruction so that our employees work safely and contribute to ensuring the safety of others.
  7. Provide programs that facilitate safe and durable return to work for employees, for both work related and non-work related health conditions.
  8. Develop a WHS Management System that includes:
    1. measurable objectives and targets;
    2. monitoring and regular reporting of our safety performance;
    3. identification and treatment of risks and legal requirements;
    4. management of incidents to minimise harm and prevent further incidents;
    5. regular reviews to ensure continuous improvement, and;
    6. recognition of health and safety innovation and success.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 General

While TAFE NSW and its management bears overall responsibility for safety, each and every worker has individual responsibility for their own behaviour in the workplace and in the joint creation of a healthy and safe workplace. Managers and workers alike will be held accountable for implementing TAFE NSW safety systems in their area of responsibility and for taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and those under their supervision.



Managing Director

The Managing Director is the Approver for this Policy


Senior Managers of TAFE NSW deemed to be officers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, have a positive duty of care to exercise due diligence, as defined in Section 27(5) of the Act, in ensuring that TAFE NSW complies with its duty under the legislation.


All TAFE Managers are to take action to ensure:

  • this policy is implemented in their area of control.
  • safe systems of work and WHS procedures and guidelines are implemented locally
  • risks are managed so far as is reasonably practicable and that they strive for continuous safety improvement.
  • employees and others undertaking work are supervised and receive the instruction, information and training necessary to safely perform their duties.
  • meaningful consultation takes place with employees, their representatives and others on WHS issues.
  • workplace incidents are reported and investigated to ascertain the circumstances leading up to the incident, and appropriate action is taken to prevent further incidents from occurring.
  • effective emergency response plans and procedures are in place which include the provision of first aid and actions to support the resumption of normal operations.
  • audit and other compliance requirements are complied with and appropriate document management processes are in each workplace.
  • employees with injury or illness are managed in accordance with the Return to Work Program and other relevant guidelines.
  • Where workplace managers are unable to ensure any of these provisions they should escalate them for appropriate action and support.

All Employees of TAFE NSW

Employees and others undertaking work for TAFE NSW are required to

  • take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and those under their supervision
  • take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others
  • comply with any reasonable instruction or lawful direction as far as they are able
  • cooperate in following TAFE's health and safety guidelines and procedures
  • report incidents and hazards
  • participate in training and consultation
  • support their return to work following injury or illness
  • Students, visitors and contractors

All students, visitors and contractors, while visiting or conducting business on TAFE workplaces or participating in authorised TAFE activities are to:

  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others
  • follow local procedures in relation to work health and safety
  • comply with any reasonable safety instruction or lawful direction as far as they are reasonably able
  • report incidents and hazards

6. Definitions




Any person working for TAFE NSW, including employees, contractors, employees of labour hire companies and students gaining work experience.


Any place where work is carried out, including any place where a worker goes, or is likely to go, while at work.

7. Related Documents

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following related documents:

  1. WHS Consultation Procedure
  2. WHS Risk Management Procedure
  3. WHS Incidents and Corrective Actions Procedure
  4. Return to Work Program

8. Contacts

Accountable Officer: Head of Work Health and Safety
WD Officer: Manager WHS Systems and Processes

9. Document Information and Review

This policy document will be reviewed at least every three years.
Record No.: PROJ18/3968
Review Due: 26 August 2022

Approval History



Approved by



11 December 2018

General Manager P&S

Initial publication following review of previous DoE policy.

1.1 26 August 2019 Managing Director

4.1 added commitment to “strive for Zero Harm”.

5.0 added 5.1 General Responsibilities “While TAFE NSW and its management bears overall responsibility for safety, each and every worker has individual responsibility for their own behaviour in the workplace and in the joint creation of a healthy and safe workplace. Managers and workers alike will be held accountable for implementing TAFE NSW safety systems in their area of responsibility and for taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and those under their supervision.”